Heating element for hot water cylinder Rheem low and mains


Heating element for hot water cylinder Rheem low and mains

$75.00 $41.00


We supply highest quality and stylish design products with reasonable price.



Product Code: SIN2

2Kw(2000W) Incoloy water heating element


Please check our other plumbing products listing. We can combine the shipping cost if you purchase more.

3 Show room
8/164 Saint Georges Rd,Avondale,Auckland
7/229A Archers Rd,Glenfield,North Shore

1/375 East Tamaki Road, East Tamaki.

If u want more information about our shop info ,please check the flowing list,and you can leave your requirement.we will sort out for you shortly


Our highest quality products with stylish design are selling on cheap price, because we are direct import products from overseas by ourselves

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